
The Journey to Creating the Crypto Universe Tarot

The creation of the Crypto Universe Tarot wasn’t the result of a fleeting idea but rather a long and complex journey that involved both learning and creativity. The artist extensively researched various types of tarot cards, both old and new, while deeply studying design techniques that resonate with contemporary art.

Beginning with a passion for tarot and art, the exploration of the symbolic meanings of each card led to the concept of creating a deck that connects the mysteries of life with the modern world. The symbols of cryptocurrency, which are transforming the financial world today, were chosen to represent financial energy and symbolic meaning.

In the early stages of creation, the focus was on selecting colors and elements that were subtle yet powerful to produce a result that would spark the imagination of the user. The illustrations were designed to be complex yet still beautiful, drawing inspiration from Baroque and Rococo art, known for their intricate details and captivating movements.

During this process, the artist experimented and made numerous adjustments to the design, symbols, and structure of the cards to ensure that each card could genuinely connect with the emotions and experiences of the users. This allowed the deck to convey the profound meanings of tarot in a modern context with a unique identity.

The result of this hard work is the Crypto Universe Tarot, which is not only a tool for divination but also a piece of contemporary art that perfectly blends the meanings of life with the changes happening in today’s world.

The design of the Crypto Universe Tarot goes beyond merely creating illustrations. It also involves conceptualizing the structure and system of the reading. The artist wanted this deck to be a source of inspiration and to offer diverse meanings that connect with daily life and the challenges of the digital age.

The fusion of cryptocurrency symbols with the mysteries of the universe makes this deck stand out with profound meanings embedded in each card. Users can harness these energies to predict the future or reflect on their inner thoughts. This unique combination allows the Crypto Universe Tarot to open doors to self-discovery and spiritual exploration in a new dimension.

While the artist designed and developed these cards, they also studied the connections between the various symbols and how they could communicate with the user through the deck. The artist tested the cards with an initial group of users to gather feedback and make improvements, ensuring that these cards work effectively and offer a meaningful experience.

Additionally, the deck underwent prayers and rituals to enhance its spiritual energy, giving the Crypto Universe Tarot a special quality in terms of its mysterious and intense energy.

Ultimately, this artwork not only reflects the artist’s creativity but also serves as a tool that allows users to explore both their inner and outer selves by connecting with the universe and the energies that surround us.

The Crypto Universe Tarot is more than just a tarot deck; it is a bridge between art and the mysteries of life, enabling users to experience profound meanings and form new connections that can lead to transformative changes in their daily lives.
